PICCO was created outside any society or institution, with the idea of building a nationwide colorectal cancer research group.
Promote research in the area of colorectal cancer in all aspects and for public benefit
Homogenize approaches to the treatment of malignant disease of the colon and rectum in Portugal
Promote the quality and accuracy of research and help disseminate relevant results
Promote the development of a national and European identity of excellence in the field of colorectal cancer
Encourage participation in interdisciplinary and international studies, with emphasis on international studies, facilitating interaction between researchers and organisations
Promote a national network in association with international partners for innovation in the treatment of colorectal cancer.

National Survey to describe actual clinical practice of Right Colon Cancer management in Portugal.

PATtern of Recurrence in right colON cancer
PATRON is a national, multicentric, retrospective study evaluating the pattern of recurrence for right colon cancer. Retrospective data from patients will be collected from 10 years before study date. Patients will be inserted according to eligibility criteria and in a consecutive order.
No intervention will be made during the study and no changes in clinical practice among centers are required.
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